
內容哪裡來是許多人寫部落格的難題,也是許多企業網站無法持續產生內容的原因,但是為什麼很多的網站還是有那麼多的主題可以寫呢? 他們撰寫內容的創意來源從哪裡來的呢?我們在"內容行銷與搜尋行銷"提到,「內容行銷」就是指以創造內容或是分享內容給既有或是潛在的客戶,來創造行銷的效果,大家都知道內容很重要,但是內容熬不出來的話,光是知道也沒啥用處。這篇"Research & Thought Leadership: Top 10 Content Creation Ideas"分享十個你應該知道的內容創意來源,分別整理敘述如下:




(1) Recycle What You Know 回鍋你所知道的東西

回鍋是什麼意思? 你可能在許多場合講過很多內容,有些可能沒有經過整理,有些可能零散的在各個內容中。回鍋就是你把一些已經講過或是寫過的概念,重新做一個有系統的論述。

(2) Interview the Industry Leaders 訪談業界的領袖


(3) Curate the News 將新聞內容整理後進行策展


(4) Conduct a Survey 進行調查


(5) Create Visual Appeal 創造視覺上的訴求


(6) Become a Reporter for Your Industry 成為業界的播報員


(7) Share Presentations 分享你的演說或展示內容


(8) Conduct an Interview… With Yourself 訪談你自己


(9) Answer the Burning Questions 回答熱門的問題


(10) Showcase Your Talents through Video Tutorials 以影音內容展示你的特長







網路是一個由消費者主動選擇知識學習的平台,廣告能撐多久 ?













Over the last few years the digital marketing landscape has changed. The search engines and major social media channels are rapidly evolving. The data that search engines are now able to extract from link profiles and social signals mean that reputation and influence is now fundamental to digital marketing success.

Research and thought leadership is now one of the most effective ways to build your online reputation. So, how do you produce content that will attract links, social shares, help you build your community and engage your target audience?

Here are our top 10 content ideas.

1. Recycle What You Know

If you have ever spoken at an industry event, then you have probably spent hours researching a particular topic – making you a resource of untapped, high value content ideas. So, why not recycle this knowledge into something that is valuable and shareable? Blog posts, whitepapers and case studies of what you have learned add power to your voice while allowing you to assert yourself as an expert in your field.

2. Interview the Industry Leaders

Interviewing your industry connections provides a source for creating the type of content your audience craves: deep, insightful content provided by leaders and visionaries in their field. By displaying these insights in the form of blog posts or webinars, you're generating high quality, link-worthy content while exposing your colleagues to a whole new audience – meaning that both sides win!

3. Curate the News

Sometimes the greatest value can be in curating content, rather than creating content. By providing a weekly roundup of industry specific news you create a valuable resource for visitors, which illustrate that you are up-to-date on the latest developments, trends, and topics. This is also a great opportunity to link to other key thought leaders within your industry.

If content curation seems like too much of a time investment, you may want to explore the dozens of content curation services available on the web. Services like Scoop.it and Curata are designed to help you quickly and easily find relevant news, which can be posted directly to your blog or web page.

4. Conduct a Survey

Another way to make the most of your online community is to conduct a survey. There are many online survey platforms which make the gathering of important data both free and easy. Administering surveys through your LinkedIn groups, community forums, and your Facebook fan page is an ideal way to start exploring the pulse of your community without committing to a major investment.

5. Create Visual Appeal

While infographics have seemingly been around forever, they have only more recently become a staple of the successful online marketing strategy. Through the art of representing data visually, infographics are used to increase awareness about a particular brand, product, industry phenomenon, or up-and-coming trend. It’s this dual threat of providing visual appeal and real value that allows the infographic to attract more links and social shares than just about any other type of online content.

6. Become a Reporter for Your Industry

Have you recently attended an important industry event? Have you read a great white paper or viewed a shareable webinar? Then why not write a blog post which outlines your "takeaway points"? You could even relay some interesting conversations you may have had with other industry leaders. Or you can write a review about a relevant industry book or news article.

7. Share Presentations

When you give a speech, presentation, or webinar, you will usually have an accompanying slideshow. Don’t keep this great information to yourself! Share it with your community. Online tools like SlideShare make it quick and easy to share visual presentation slides. This is a great opportunity for showcasing your expertise and drawing attention to your next public event.

8. Conduct an Interview… With Yourself

Though this may seem a little strange, it has become a proven way to generate quality content. Prepare a list of questions on the latest industry developments or trends. Then, have someone off camera ask you each question. When done well, the video should come across as relaxed and informal, demonstrating both your personality and expertise.

9. Answer the Burning Questions

If you regularly speak at industry events, interact through social media channels or blog on your website, you will inevitably begin to recognize the common questions and dilemmas faced by the members of your community. These questions can be used as the basis for a blog post, SlideShare, video, or even white paper. And because this information is relevant to your audience’s specific needs, it is virtually guaranteed to garner interest.

10. Showcase Your Talents through Video Tutorials

There’s no better way to improve and highlight your skills than to teach others. Video gives you a unique opportunity to showcase your personality whilst sharing your knowledge with others. Why not produce a weekly tutorial that’s published on the same day each week?

For example, SEOmoz produce their weekly Whiteboard Friday tutorials that attract a significant weekly following.


It’s no longer enough to simply just be an industry expert. Your expertise needs to be shared in a way that is viewable and accessible by everyone. By focusing on a creative content marketing strategy, you will attract links, likes, shares, referrals, and – most importantly – visitors.




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