身為鹽湖城數一數二的公關公司Snapp Conner PR,創辦人Cheryl Conner看過上千家新創公司的成長,特別是猶他州(Utah)的Grow America Springboard百萬美金競賽,許多新創公司都積極爭取。Cheryl Conner今日要分享她所歸納的成功新創公司的五大徵兆:

1. 確認客戶和市場存在:許多新創公司之所以失敗,就是沒有事前做到客戶驗證(Validated Customers),就像是擴展速度過快的網路公司,還來不及仔細探究市場並精簡成本;反之,能取得成功的新創公司,其成長都是仰賴穩定客源(有固定客戶收入更好)。

2. 具有策略觀點:和經營時慌張或只想求生存的公司不同,新創公司應該要積極計畫未來,並擁有國際觀和全球視野,擬訂一到五年的策略,並且穩定發展,搭配可以衡量的指標,一步一步達成關鍵里程碑,就有機會獲得成功。

3. 保守現金策略:沒有一個事事完美的開創事業好時機,能夠在早期的關鍵時刻獲得資金挹注更是難上加難。精實營運成為創業代名詞,可以妥善利用初期資金的企業,才有可能迎向成功的未來。

4. 營運透明度:一家公司的承諾、誠信、和透明經營密切相關,成功的業者少有隱瞞,定價方式和客戶策略越少秘密,不但可以讓生活以越簡單,也可以讓員工充分參與。「透明」是Cheryl Conner最喜愛的議題之一,企業要避免壞消息的最簡單方法,就是每天都活在大家的目光之下,只要不遮掩過活,就能避免可能的壞事發生,透明營運是非常正面也積極的成功徵兆。

5. 溝通:如同Grow America創辦人Alan Hall所言,每一個優秀的領導者和每一家表現良好的公司都能溝通無礙,好消息、壞消息都能用坦白的方式和直接的語言傳達。想像一下,如果投資了一家好公司,但卻是一家不善溝通的公司,外界不會知道這家公司的好,這將是一件讓人相當挫折的事情。沒有任何一家好公司可以在「真空狀態」下成長(也就是不對外溝通),許多成功的企業都可以體認到,能夠好好對外界溝通是一件及重要的事情,也可以伴隨許多成功的機會。

最後,新創公司若是能符合上述五點,還是有可能失敗嗎?這是當然的,因為市場存在著太多不可預知的狀況;不過,Cheryl Conner再度強調能達到上述五點的公司,是更可能成功的公司。

5 Sure Signs A Startup Firm Will Succeed

As the head of a communications company in Salt Lake City, we’ve seen hundreds of growth companies and thousands of startups. In fact, thanks to the Grow America Springboard™ $1M competition in Utah right now, we’ve seen and reviewed nearly a thousand startups already this year.

Many articles talk about the signs a startup firm will go under. So with props to Martin Zwilling for his recent piece 5 Sure Signs That a Good Startup is Going Bad, I’d like to dedicate my first Forbes column to the signs a budding startup firm will succeed.

Here goes:

The key signs that indicate whether a budding startup will succeed or fail

(1). Has Validated Customers. This is one of the core rules of consummate entrepreneur and fellow Forbes Contributor Alan Hall. Do you know in advance that you have customers who are willing to pay the price you are asking for the product or service you have? Too many good startups fail to sufficiently validate their customer assumptions—or, in the case of internet firms, scale too quickly before validating the initial marketplace and streamlining their costs. A successful startup scales its growth on the basis of proven, steady and paying customers (especially where residual/subscription income is involved). Steady acquisition is also a very good sign, as opposed to high and low fits and starts.

(2). Shows a Strategic Perspective. This is the direct opposite of a company that is operating in panic mode, or exhibiting survival thinking. A startup actively planning and moving towards national and global expansion; that has a solid one- and five-year agenda and is making steady and measurable strides to meet the critical milestones is poised to succeed.

(3).Is Cash Conservative. There’s never been a better time to start a business in many respects, but there’s perhaps never been a more challenging time to obtain early stage credit or funding. Today’s successful startups are a stark contrast to the high-flying internet firms who bragged about their rabid “burn rates” in 2000-2002. Lean operations are the name of the game, and the ability to stretch and conserve early stage funds, even if greater funds are available, is a significant sign that points to future success. One of my favorite agency clients, Dan Dyer (CEO of NASCAR Car Wash) notes that none of his high-flying executive contemporaries have ever proven to him yet the genuine economic need for a private jet. “Do you know what I call a company jet?” he said recently. “Transportation to bankruptcy.”  Good one, Dan. A funny statement, but he’s pretty much right.

(4).Operates with Transparency. Commitment, integrity and transparency are closely related. A successful organization has little or nothing (other than its proprietary IP) to hide. Life is simpler with fewer secrets about billing methods, pricing and customer acquisition strategies. It’s also easier to keep employees committed and fully engaged. Transparency is key to my favorite topic, public relations, as well. Deep in the midst of a discussion on corporate spokesperson training (Watch the whiteboards. Know who you’re speaking to. Be aware who’s in earshot) one of our astute clients made a profound statement: The easiest way to avoid bad press is to live and operate each day as if everyone’s watching. He was right. Rarely does bad or embarrassing exposure occur when a company operates in a fashion that leaves nothing to be secretive or embarrassed about. Transparency of operation is a very positive sign.

(5).Communication. Yes, my favorite topic is the element of strength that I’m saving for last. Again, a word of wisdom from Alan Hall: Every great leader and every great company communicates well.They communicate good news. They communicate bad news, with candor and straightforward language, as well. They communicate with skill—imagine the frustration of the investor who knows he or she has invested in a great company, but due to lack of communication, the world may never know. No great company was ever conceived and grown in a vacuum. Every successful company recognizes the vital need and the tremendous opportunity they afford themselves when they communicate well. More on that topic in columns to come.

But in summary – has any startup that met these five criteria ever failed? Surely, there are some examples—organizations who met with tragic occurrences such as 9/11, Katrina, or unforeseeable and sudden shifts in market conditions. But short of cataclysmic occurrence, I would maintain that any company that meets these conditions is highly unlikely to fail.

Are these the right 5 characteristics? Do you have any examples? As I join the roster of tremendous executives who contribute to Forbes Entrepreneurs, I welcome your thoughts. 



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